Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Like Night and Day

Okay, okay I get it.  Admitting where I’m at – whether a good place or a bad place – is a good thing to do.

As I read the first few comments to my blog last night before I checked out, already my heart was encouraged, hope and light were streaming in, darkness had to flee.  My friends and family are so awesome.  How God uses them to bring health to my body!

Nevertheless, the night was broken up with pain and prayers.  In the morning I read even more encouraging remarks, and they again began healing my pain.

My first appointment for the day was to see my Recall Therapist, Michelle Schrader, an incredibly encouraging person who speaks Truth right into my inner parts.  She works with other BX cancer patients and sees all the same lousy side effects that I am experiencing; and she sees them come out healed on the other side.  This is a perspective I needed to hear about.  During our session God also reminded me that this BX protocol is a gift from His hand. (I must be diligent to be thankful rather than forgetful.)  She also taught me how to use visualization to lessen the pain in my body.  That was super helpful too.

So as I write this my soul is lighter.  My hope is renewed.  My pain is more tolerable than it has been for days.  And I even have some energy.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.  He quickly changes our dark to light, our mourning into dancing, our night becomes day.

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