Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Better Tuesday – Choosing Life

Walking home after the PP stint today, I hummed some praise songs and asked God to bring some relief, some joy, from the grief I felt.  I wondered into a new juice bar that I noticed for the first time today in the market on Greenleaf and Mar Vista.  I was quickly in conversation with a woman who was probably planted there as advertisement, as she was very obviously enjoying her orange concoction of carrot, pineapple, and orange juice.

I told her what I had just been doing.  She told me about her 4th pregnancy, an unwelcome surprise since she already had three kids, and the youngest was 11 years old.  She and her husband were sad; her family thought she was nuts to keep the child when she could abort.  Yet, she was determined to go through with it.  Three months into the pregnancy she miscarried.  She brought the little body of her baby to the emergency room.  And there she waited, and waited, and waited.  When she started bleeding again, she got the attention she needed.  But rather than rushing her in for the customary D & C, they did an ultrasound and discovered she was still pregnant.  She had been carrying twins, and one had survived the miscarriage.  Six months later she gave birth to a little girl. 

Six weeks later came the second shock!  She was pregnant again.  She made it clear to everyone that there would be no sadness and despair this time.  She had grieved over the baby she lost, and now counted this one as a blessing.  Because she was older, the OB wanted to do the amniocentesis.  She declined.  She knew she would keep the baby no matter what.  Her fifth child was a boy and had Down’s Syndrome.  She had no idea what that meant.  When she asked what to expect, she was told that he would not grow very tall. (Had she been told that he was “Mongoloid” she would have understood – but this Down’s Syndrome was a new term to her.)   She named him David, for she remembered in the Bible story, that David was not very tall, and was the youngest.

David has been a huge blessing to her.  He is now 25 years old.  He is the most affectionate and kind of all her kids.  He has a sixth sense about her emotions, and seems to know just the right things to say.  He is also full of faith and encouragement.  When her husband left her 10 years ago for another woman, David continued to tell her that he would be back.  One year ago, the husband returned – though difficult, they are working things out in their marriage.   It is because of her son’s faith, love, and automatic forgiveness that she is moving forward with mending her marriage.

Most parents abort their baby when they learn it may be Down’s Syndrome. (http://www.lifenews.com/2011/04/19/90-of-down-syndrome-children-aborted-survivors-bring-joy/)  I think it would be really hard to care for a handicapped child… but truth is, though obviously difficult, I have yet to hear a parent of a Down Syndrome child say anything but what a blessing their child is –they can’t imagine life without such a gift. (http://www.crosswalk.com/family/parenting/children-with-down-syndrome-bring-joy.html)

Yes, God heard and answered my prayer.  I got to hear a story of a woman carrying two crisis pregnancies to term.  (Her family continues to live in poverty, yet she has never regretted choosing children over an “easier life.”) And I found a good juice bar!  I loved the carrot/apple/spinach drink!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday Download

On Tuesdays, just about a mile from my home, they are killing babies! (http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-center/centerDetails.asp?f=2358&a=90070&v=details#!service=abortion)   I go there to try and stop them – by praying, talking, pleading.  So, on Tuesdays, when I get home, I am emotionally drained, spiritually grieved, and physically tired.  A nap always finds its place with me on Tuesday.  Yet, while I am there, I am so encouraged to be with other believers that set aside their time to try and save lives.  They are precious people – heroes.

Since I am unloading today – don’t expect this to be an easy or encouraging read.  Things coming from me on Tuesdays will always be hard.

Today there was an interesting situation.  A camera crew showed up from Channel 62. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KRCA)  Being the curious person I am, I approached the interviewer to ask why he was there. He explained to me that the house he was filming  (right next to the abortion mill parking lot) had dogs that bit four people yesterday. (http://www.whittierdailynews.com/ci_21088856/two-dogs-including-pitbull-bite-four-people-uptown). 

 I told him he was at the wrong location, that the real story was right next door, where I was.  I explained that there were 20 babies that would be killed in that building today.  He asked if I could arrange interviews with the victims, and before I could answer, he had his cameraman drive their vehicle into the parking lot of Planned Parenthood.  I soon came to realize that we had some translation problems – so I broke out my rusty Spanish and told him about the abortions, and that I am with a few people praying.  (And really – how do you interview murder victims?)

He admitted that it would be a great story, but for another time.  He said he would pitch the idea to his boss.  However, today he was hired to get the story of the dogs.  He spent the next several hours interviewing everyone who walked by.  I didn’t realize how many Spanish-speaking people walked right up Greenleaf everyday.  He was batting a thousand.  He never resorted to English.  I actually had just told him that Planned Parenthood is a concern, also because of its target of minorities.  Most of the young women who enter are Hispanic.  This is a mean genetic cleansing.

So, rather a sad commentary on what is newsworthy.  We can perform legal killings and the news coverage is non-existent.  It was true in Germany too, during World War II.  The Holocaust was happening – the legal killing of Jews – and there was no outcry from the neighborhood Germans.  There was no outcry from the workers who carried out the beyond-words-horrible-deed.  Though today – the Holocaust continues to be known as a  horrible blemish on Germany and the world for standing by for too long.  One day, when we all wake up to the horror of abortion, when eyes are opened, and excuses are seen for the lameness that they are – we will again be horror stricken that “man” could be so evil.

The news today:  Here is a house in which 2 dogs live.  They bit 4 people yesterday.  No one was seriously injured.
The news that should have been today:  Here is a building in which people are paid to kill and remove babies from the wombs of complicit women.  Twenty babies will die today.  Twenty women will have their lives permanently altered.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Tale of Two Slopes

First of all - I actually have been writing a lot - just not getting it copied into my blog.  So, there may be a sudden glut of articles here.

 I have been sitting on this upcoming analogy for over a year.  Yesterday God added such a cool insight, that I decided it needs to come out of my journal and enter my blog.

            I enjoy the Whittier Hills – Helman Park is a place I hike regularly.  I get a free science lesson on how the change of seasons affects plant life, wildlife, and even dirt, just by keeping my eyes open.  There are two particular slopes that receive my regular observation – one north facing, and the other south facing – they face each other with a little canyon between.
                        A year ago I noticed that the south-facing slope was brown, virtually lifeless whereas the north-facing slope was full of green, healthy, tangled growth.  That south-facing slope is in direct sunlight – day in and day out.  There is no shade of protection.   The plant life in May was practically non-existent.  The terrain was laid bare for all to see – where the boulders were, and the holes.  It was a dried, almost shaved, hillside.  So. Cal. is dry, but if there were a chance of daily watering, even in the face of all that constant sunlight, this slope would probably be quite verdant.
             Now I will personify that slope.  It makes me think of a person who faces hardships and trials with virtually nothing to protect him from a new onslaught each day.  It’s like having a string of bad luck.  Without any “water,” this one would remain dry, barren and exposed.  There would be no question of his faults, they would be visible for all to see.  We all know people like this.  They are overwhelmed, sad, and maybe depressed.  We wonder if they are wearing a “kick me” sign for all the little demons to see.
            Yet we also see some of these battered people thrive if they have “water” – that is a daily and intense washing of the Word and the Holy Spirit. The Word will give life and hope as the Holy Spirit fills and gives understanding.  So with plenty of the right, life giving input, someone can survive constant adversity.  Though this particular slope seemed to be simply in survival mode.
            The north facing slope, on the other hand was an expanse of thick, green foliage of many types. There were no paths; one could not even conceive of making a way through that branchy thickness.  This side did not receive any more rain than the barren side.  But it goes to show how “healthy,” nature can be without the relentless burn of the sun.  This side received light, but not direct, burning sunshine.  This hill was always in the shade, facing away from the sun.  It was so strange to see such entirely different landscapes within just yards of each other.
            So what type of person would this be? Those who experience little hardship really can flourish – be healthy – be beautiful – grab all the gusto of life - dig their roots deep -  'seemingly' without the constant drinking of the water, the Word.  Perhaps they are in a healthy enough environment, that they can thrive with just enough “light” – just enough of God-time or fellowship.  Ah, but looking at the opposite slope – how quickly they could fall and dry up with constant adversity.  Though, with that deep root system, it may take a lot to shake their foundation.
            It is a bit sobering to realize how quickly our life can change if we are not accustomed to drinking daily from the Word and being filled daily by the Holy Spirit.  Just by adding some searing experiences, some hard times – we could become that south slope- all dried up, exposed, and empty.

There is more to come… I did a lot of walking in these hills.  More analogies came to me.  Stay tuned.  Next time, we'll get to my new insight.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Unimportance of Self

Okay.  It has been over a month.  My goal was to post once a week.  I have been tripping over this piece for several weeks.  The wisp of wind that is pushing me off this cliff is one of those confusing sets of verses in the Bible where Jesus is quoted  (Luke 9:50) as saying: 
Whoever is not against you is for you. 
Then later (Luke 11:23):
He who is not with me is against me; he who does not gather with me, scatters. 

So what is it? For me or against me?

I sign up to volunteer and am told, “You cannot volunteer here unless you agree to 10 hours a week.”  Since I only have 5 hours available, I find a friend to split the duty with me.  But the supervisor tells me “You can’t do it that way, you have to do 10 hours, and so does your friend.” I wonder, “What do you have against me? Wouldn’t you rather have 10 hours of work from us and save yourself that many hours of labor?”  I am experiencing rejection.

On other occasions, I have been told I was not needed. Or I hear of “everyone” going somewhere that I consider special or fun – and yet I was not welcomed or invited.  Small potatoes?  Yet these little rejections translate to my heart that I am unwanted, undesired.

I was stewing over this as I drove home, on the 605 Freeway, a few months ago, and boom, sensed God say – “So you think you are god to these people?  You think that every decision and thought is centered around you?”  True!  What makes me think that they are plotting or scheming against me?  I am not the center of their life. They do not always have me on their brain or the throne of their life – as I had imagined.

Every time I put myself in a “god” position I feel alienated.  Jesus said:  Whoever is not against you is for you.  (In this situation Jesus was correcting John who complained about people serving God, just not in company with Jesus and his disciples.) My “hurters” are often people who serve God.  This fact at first added to my confusion.  Now God is showing me that the “real” response He desires from me is to realize, as Jesus explained, that no one is against me! These people are all living for God (like the ones John complained about) – so, as Jesus said,  “They are for you!”  They are out there, serving God, and if asked would say, “Go for it, serve God.  Bless you!”

The Holy Spirit brings honesty into a situation, so I refreshingly conceded that those around me are not  basing their decisions on me or living out a desire to hurt me, or to stop me.  “I” was not even in the equation of their decision-making.  At worst, all their decisions are about themselves. (It is a bit deflating to think that they were not thinking about me.  It is a “deflating” that I need to embrace – for it brings me into reality.)

Such introspection leads me to healthier relationships – if it can be can be done with the Holy Spirit of God, our counselor, keeping everything honest. We really must allow Him to be the referee.  Without Him, everything is seen purely from our self-centered view.  How else?

He also says: He who is not with me is against me.  This is not a direct opposite of the previous verse. The key word here is “me.”  Jesus is referring to himself.  This verse only makes sense to me, in juxtaposition to the previous verse (Whoever is not against you is for you.), if we realize that Jesus is here, talking about himself and his main antagonist, satan, who is against Jesus.   The “me” here is not the rest of us.  Simply stated, those who are not with Jesus are against Jesus and want to destroy what he is doing. 

Now in scenarios of “rejection” dealing with people who do not live for Jesus, I still must remember that I am not on the throne of their life. Neither is Jesus. “I did not get invited, so they are against me,” is not my line.  What I may just be sensing is their dislike or dis-ease of  Jesus.   "They are against me," is Jesus' line.

All these thoughts bring me at last to the concept of Grace.  Even without all these mental/spiritual gymnastics, I can extend grace.  I want grace extended to me.  How many times have I left someone out?  Overlooked an invitation to someone who was watching and wanted to be involved?  Did I single them out for rejection?  God forbid.  I was just clueless, or not listening to the Spirit, or maybe, just stuck, thinking about myself and my own agenda.  Yet I am in Christ, so I can say:  I am not against you, I am for you.  Watch out for satan, he is not with Jesus, he is against Jesus.  Satan will scatter, Jesus will gather.  Let’s extend grace, and listen to our counselor,  the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Be Still

Recently, as I’ve prayed for others, it has been a rather simple petition: “LORD, help my friend to be still and know that You are God.”  This entreaty has evolved from being a request for others into my own mantra; and a powerful one.  A phrase that is unqualified.  When one can embrace the depth of it; when one does actually reflect on the truth of it; therein lies escape from all besetting issues.

This command is found in Psalm 46.  The statement is surrounded by just those reflections that help us to know the power of our God.  We learn that he is our refuge, strength and helper – and though the earth disintegrates we will not fear. We are invited to see the works of the LORD: he makes wars cease, he destroys the weapons of war.  He will be exalted among nations of the earth.  This is the God that is with us.

Each time I stop and think about the God-created Universe - the dimensions of space that stretch light years across the sky, filled with galaxies, stars innumerable – stars that each have a personal, God-given name,  it blows my mind.  This is the God that is my refuge, strength and helper!  I try to think of God – the Being that has existed before the earth and stars - this always makes my brain hurt and causes me to tremble.  What kind of Being has Always Been?  Oh, my – He is the one who is my refuge, strength and helper?

By now, I am still.  When I consider my “issues” and my lack of wisdom to handle them – all these have become small and manageable in the hands of the Almighty God.  Yes, there is still Jesus.  Jesus – and the amazing sacrifice He made.  So much to consider while I am still.  I am in Christ, and He in me.  As I’m still, I know that there is enough wisdom, courage, hope, love, and understanding to continue the walk.  I can venture on into the pain that clogged me, the fear that stalled me, the selfishness that buried me.  For now I have had my mind transformed; and I can think soberly, very soberly.

To be still and know that He is God actually does seem like a cure-all to me.  Am I overly simplistic?  Perhaps.  Or not.  I hope that my blogs will reflect a person who believes that to consider God – all that He is – Is to change and is to live In Christ.

(This Blog “set up” is a 2011 Christmas gift from Seth.  I hope it reflects a journey in the direction of knowing God.)