Friday, May 10, 2013

The Veil of Death is Gone

A whirlwind of activity has kept me away from writing.  Ariana’s graduation is soon upon us, her grades are due, the announcements must be sent.  I’m the mom in charge of Grad Night (actually an all day activity next Thursday), and I’m also finishing a class at Rio Hondo College.  Sandwiched between these things are lots of doctor visits.

The best news is that I am no longer thinking about dying.  It seems after the prayer time a couple Saturdays ago, the visit to Mexico, and a consult with a local doctor, I began believing that I would be healed; that I would beat this cancer for another season, or perhaps for good.  I didn’t even realize that veil of death was on me, until it left.  What a difference.  I feel more alive, more joyful, more ready to fight.  I thought I felt all those things before.  Yet something very distinctive has happened a couple weeks ago.  I am lighter.  It makes me think of the verse in I Corinthians 13:12, that now we see through a glass darkly, but later will see clearly (my paraphrase).  We don’t really think about how unclearly we see right now.  But one day, I believe, when we see truly, we’ll wonder how we ever believed we understood anything in this life.

A couple days ago I received the treatment plan from Hope For Cancer.  It includes things like photo dynamic therapy, sono dynamic therapy; two of the following IV’s: Vitamin C Therapy, Poly MVA, and Laetrile/B-17; Hyperthermia – both local and body; along with those are a host of supportive therapies: aloe-med therapy, nutrition, coffee enema, near infra red lamp and sauna, double helix water, ozone therapy, onda-med, and psychological searching for cancer roots; then there are a series of assessments.  I’ve researched most of these, and they all have impressive results in beating cancer.

I have not entirely ruled out using a local doctor who can guide me through many of these same therapies.  This same doctor has started me on the Vitamin C IV therapy.  This builds up my immune system to fight cancer, and can also kill cancer cells.  He may also soon start me on another therapy (hydrogen peroxide).  So, we try a few things until my next tumor marker test (May 21).  I am comfortable doing this, since I didn’t want to do nothing, while waiting to go to Mexico after Ariana’s graduation.

Yet, as I consider all the driving around I’ve done this last couple of weeks, staying at one location for 3 weeks, and having all the treatments come to me, seems very healing. However, the huge expense continues to bother me.  I am always one who is looking for a deal.  My son is adamant I stay on the path to Hope For Cancer.  Maybe it’s time for another family meeting. We continue to need wisdom as we process alternatives.

My big worry right now, is about money, but not in the way one would suspect.  I worry about what to do with the donation money if I don’t need it after all.  What if I find a treatment plan that is not as expensive as Mexico’s $30,000, but which still works?  What if God heals me?  So I am not cashing checks yet.   I hope that doesn’t make people nervous.  (I cashed one check because of request to do so.)  I have kept most of the money in paypal, in case I need to return it.  (Though Kaiser bills and co-pays are coming in.  We’re at about $1600 already.)   And there have been other therapies that I’m doing ($500ish so far).  It is a huge responsibility to have all this money to take care of.  (By the way, we are at about $15,000 now!  Yes I do praise God!  What a great help! I am confident He will supply all that we need.)  So I am keeping track of all the expenses and bills that I am paying with the donation money.  If ever any of you would like to see that, please ask.  Accountability is a good thing.

Needless to say, I am very curious about the next tumor marker result.  A lot has happened this month with prayer and alternative therapies.  My diet has changed a lot.  Sugar, flour, white rice, most dairy, and most meat are off my plate.  I feel much better.  I am not so run down as I was a month ago.  Naps are not as frequent or necessary.  Pain in my back is mostly non-existent.

Thanks for continued prayer and love.  It is a huge therapy for me! My hope remains in God’s unfailing love.  “The eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death, and to keep alive in famine.”  (ha ha, my diet sometimes feels like famine.)

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